Our outreach workers respond to reports of rough sleepers by going out on the streets and meeting with them. Inform them of services available, encourage them to come to the centre. Sometimes it takes time to build trust and confidence so this can take several visits until they are ready to come into the centre. We also carry out joint outreach with other agencies such as; DWP to ensure a rough sleeper is getting the benefits they are entitled to and not having to beg for money and food; drug and alcohol treatment teams and mental health teams to engage with rough sleepers and help them access services so they can get help to stay well and safe. We will ensure they have food, water, clothes and warm dry bedding until they are ready to access services.
The day centre provides a safe and friendly environment. We also have showers, clean clothes, refreshments, breakfast, healthy freshly cooked meal, assistance to claim benefits, seek accommodation, training and volunteering opportunities to enhance employability and confidence and life skills. We facilitate several workshop sessions to help with knowledge, confidence and well-being such as an art project, cooking skills, job club, computer club and the opportunity to complete accredited courses. Volunteering at the centre also enables our clients to help shape the services and provide insight to help us plan future projects.
We have experienced staff to help find solutions to relieve or prevent homelessness, we have links with many local landlords in the private rented sector and can help remove barriers to securing accommodation through one of our deposit schemes. We facilitate regular multi-agency meetings with relevant partners to explore options, source suitable accommodation and develop support plans to ensure a joined up approach for each client.
The earliest someone is aware they are at risk of losing their accommodation and are at risk of becoming homeless the better, as prevention is far better than cure. We can liaise with the landlord and other agencies, provide mediation, work out repayments for arrears, provide support and assistance to ensure the tenant can stay in property.
We have two properties with a total of 9 bed spaces to provide a temporary home to those who are homeless. The accommodation has support workers on site who work with the residents towards removing barriers that stop them from securing or sustaining tenancies. Once a resident is ready for move on we can then help them to seek more permanent accommodation.
Once accommodation has been secured we will assist the client by providing a move in pack with all the essentials such as food, plates, cutlery, cups, saucepans, bedding etc. We will also ensure they have a budget plan.
We provide ongoing support once our clients are housed to make sure they are coping and are happy in their accommodation. We help them to budget, manage issues that may arise in shared accommodation, liaise with landlords / benefits agencies etc. Our aim is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to improve their well-being and life style through suitable housing and increased choices.